Title | Public Lands Administered by the Tres Rios Field Office in Archuleta, La Plata, Montezuma, Dolores, San Miguel, and Montrose Counties, and by the Gunnison Field Office in Gunnison, Ouray, San Juan, and Hinsdale Counties, CO |
ToC Doc | Public Lands Administered by the Tres Rios Field Office in Archuleta, La Plata, Montezuma, Dolores, San Miguel, and Montrose Counties, and by the Gunnison Field Office in Gunnison, Ouray, San Juan, and Hinsdale Counties, CO |
Docket Number | 2024-30059 |
Type | Rule |
Subject | Public Lands Administered by the Tres Rios Field Office in Archuleta, La Plata, Montezuma, Dolores, San Miguel, and Montrose Counties, and by the Gunnison Field Office in Gunnison, Ouray, San Juan, and Hinsdale Counties, CO |
Publication Date | 2024-12-19 |
Last Updated Date | 2024-12-18 08:15:05 -0500 |
Last Public Inspection | 2024-12-18 |
Filed At | 2024-12-18T08:45:00.000-05:00 |
2024-30059_PI.pdf (156876 bytes) | |
Download | TXT / HTML / JSON |
Number of Pages | 20 |
Filing Type | regular |
Agencies | Land Management Bureau |
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